Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yah, yah, yah

Hmmm....been a while, eh? Doesn't make for very effective blogging. My grandmother has officially told me she is writing me off - in the blogosphere at least.

I'm here. I'm here! Don't give up....quite yet.

I often think about blogging - just not as much as I think about all the work I have to do, or why I've started a new long distance relationship, or why I haven't worked out, or what I'm going to eat next. I think about those things a LOT more. teehee.


Recycling: Almost every Boston T stop has a recycling receptacle for the free dailies that are distributed every morning. Yippee!!! Granted, it is a plastic garbage bag, and not a metal container (like fabulous DC) so that seems like unneccessary waste. But hey - it is something. Also, I have stolen back the recycling bin I use at home. For those of you that didn't know my neighbor had taken the bin I requested from the city and claimed it as their own. I stole it back - hopefully from the right (or shall we say wrong?) person. Viva recyling!!!

Family: I bought a ticket, busted my chops to take three days off of work and suprised my cousin Liana for her 21st birthday. Well, sort of. She knew - but it was a wonderful weekend in Atlanta and Athens, GA nonetheless. My brother also drove over from SC. We had loads of cousinly love all around. I didn't grow up with very strong family ties and feel SO blessed to be creating them at this stage in my life.

I spent today with a local cousin, Jesse. He helped me load, transport, and assemble furniture. I am now officially not living in boxes. Woohoo!!!! He is so great to have around: big/tall/strong, funny, and musical. Who could ask for more in a cousin?

Farm: I am going to be a farmer one day. I am going to buy land with Moose, Booboo, Chorizo, and Drew (those are people by the way) and we are going to operate a permaculture farm and community hostel. Information, updates, and donation solicitations to follow. teehee!

Work: HARD! personally and professionally transformative. soul fulfilling. exhausting. love it. hate it. April 17th will be my third month on the job and the end of my probationary period. I have to decide if I will commit to the position for the next 3 years. I have never had a job that challenges me to grow and pushes me to excel in such a relentless and consistent fashion. It is the only job I've ever had that I look at the clock at 6pm on Friday and think "I wish it was 4pm" and then proceed to stay until 7pm. And when I leave I still have hours left of work. I've also never had a job that gave me such a clear and direct avenue to changing kids lives. I think I'll commit and complain a whole lot about it - but be better for it. Let's see~

Boys: For the first time in 8 years I am not dating Art or thinking about Art. And I live in the same city as him!!! That phase of my life has finally reached a conclusion. A new one has begun. I thought it was going to be one of single revelry and Bostonian flirting. is with an insanely busy PhD student who lives in.......are you ready......Washington,DC. Yes, yes - I did just move from there. AHHHHHHH!!!! Trust me - if it wasn't the most profound emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical connection of my life I would kick him to the curb. Sigh. Whether we date for one more day (his crazy schedule is for the birds) or the rest of my life, it doesn't really matter. He's completely altered what I believe is possible from love (and I am NOT saying I am in love with him), but he is just that amazing. He is a gift from God - in the hardship and happiness. So (much like with my job) I am completely thrilled, engaged, grateful, frustrated, and conflicted. Oh joy!

Working out: Was doing great and then fell off the band wagon this week. Wish me luck for a good run tomorrow. Almost three weeks ago I visited my folks in NYC and my pops had me do a great weight lifting routine. I was inspired....for like three days. Ugh! If I hadn't just bought all this furniture (did I mention that 3 months into living in Boston and I'm finally out of boxes?!?!) I'd totally splurge on a personal trainer. Maybe next month....I do have those 20 boxing classes that I spent $200 on and haven't used once. Monday, monday - I'll go to class Monday (maybe this Monday it will actually be true).

Food: I don't have much time to cook or even eat out. I've just been eating the fruit and veggies that Boston Organics deliver. BUT, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the BEST Indian food I've ever eaten (which happened to be vegan). I got this dish at the Grit in Athens, GA. That curry tofu (and Liana) made it one of the best meals of my life. Not to mention their insanely wonderful vegan chocolate pecan pie. I'm drooling. No exaggeration. You may not have the pleasure of my cousin but it would still be worth going. I wasn't a big fan of the corn "thing" (in the small cup) - it was obviously canned corn. Gross! With all the ethanol production and high fructose corn syrup causing insane deman for corn you would think I could get some fresh. Oh well. Besides that it was a great atmosphere, spunky and efficient service, and great great great food. Go to the Grit!


Kristen said...

I'm glad you're back to blogging! We need to quit playing phone tag soon! So happy about the job and the boy!
You're amazing!

Nora said...

Hey! I found you googling up for the word "halawa", which you described in your blog. I find you´re very funny and interesting person. I live in Buenos Aires. Where are you now? Nora.