Thursday, May 31, 2007


Technology: Slow day. Can I figure out how to convert a document I made in Publisher into PDF? We shall see....

Lunch Redux: This week has been kinda blah on the meal front. I steamed veggie dumplings (as opposed to pan frying them a few days ago), along with some frozen peas. I love frozen peas. And I brought a cored/sliced apple with peanut butter in the center. That's a trick I learned from a math teacher I used to work with.

Good News: No more grades, throwing standardized tests to the curb? It almost makes me want to teach again! The LATimes reports on performance based assessment. And it sounds good to me. It is being implemented with impunity in a very costly school right now but LAUSD is adopting a pilot program. Yippee!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Technology: I am getting ready to start playing with Flickr. Considering I have only owned a camera for three weeks now - and taken about 10 pictures this should be quite the adventure. Any tips/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Lazy Lunch: I went to the Shakespeare Free for All last night - Loves Labor Lost. Awesome! But got home too late to make lunch. Plus I am "dieting" for my ten year reunion next weekend - which means eating about 2000 calories instead of 2500. AHH!!! So I opened a can of white beans, drained them, seasoned them homegrown chives, balsamic vinegar, a little olive oil, salt and pepper and put it on a bed of spinach. I am having a nectarine for dessert. I'd rather be eating peanut butter

Good News: Any success story concerning minorities and higher education is one that deserves special attention. This report focuses on successes at UMBC - especially with "black math and science majors". Hopefully that model can be applied to increasing Hispanic graduation. The Pew Center notes that "young Hispanic undergraduates are half as likely as their white peers on campus to finish a bachelor's degree". But this is the good news so go ahead and read "A Magnetic Force" and tell me what you think.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Technology - I put music on myspace. Thanks to my favorite cycling fanatic for the pertinent tips. Overall, I think the longer I 'play' with these technologies the better I'll get.

Lunch - I only have to work until noon today so I didn't pack a lunch. I am considering photographing the ingredients that go into my lunches (so many peeps already take pics of the final result - my favorite being food porn at the post punk kitchen).

Good News - Hey, I tried! I thought I would cull a positive article from a newspaper I love to loathe - the Washington Times. I did find an article that praised one private schools ability to raise the test scores. Without mentioning vouchers or No Child Left Behind they cleverly bemoan the schools lack of funding and resources and "attributes the success largely to the school's use of the Core Knowledge of Curriculum, a uniform course..." They almost tricked me, but I saw through their machinations in the nick of time. I have searched hi and low for good news today (LA Times and OC Register were a bust). I finally found an interesting news magazine piece on the success of extending school hours. I think it is worth contemplating. I can't stand that higher test scores are the measure of accountability, but teacher's have a choice to participate (to some extent) and schools have flexibility in designing a schedule that fits their needs. Better to try something positive and fail then keep complaining about the status quo.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The good, the yummy, and the perplexing

Technology - How do I add music to myspace? And I how do I add a little picture to the "about me" section of my blog? Also, I don't like the large green borders surrounding my posts. I think technology is a vital exciting tool - but make no mistake, I don't think it is effortless!

Lunch - half a can of refried beans mixed with premade pineapple chipolte salsa and tortilla chips. With an orange (the iron in beans is better digested when vitamin c is eaten at the same meal) and a side of broccoli. Craving fulfilled.

Good News - Immigration is a hot button topic. Being an immigrant myself I am firmly on the side of 'the more the merrier'. I understand though that many Americans see immigrants as usurpers of resources. This article is one example of how immigrants can revitalize a community that NO ONE is interested in. There is very little good news coming out of Detroit but yesterday's Detroit News touted "A Detroit Success Story: Can-do Spirit Revives Southwest Neighborhood". Apparently it is the "only neighborhood in the city that has seen population growth over the past decade" and "the immigrant community has been an economic driver". I hope that is a consideration in the debate over border security (walls and guns) and work visas (give us your cheap labor and get out).

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Can anyone help me?

Technology - How can I add Library Thing to my blog? Anyone? I was reading this amazing blog by Kathleen de la Pena McCook - A Librarian at the Kitchen Table - and her blog has "random books from my library". I want that! I don't have a subscription to Library Thing, I haven't cataloged 200+ books. Any ideas?

Lunch - frozen vegetable potstickers, walnut/almond mix, grilled veggie kabobs from last night. A good mix of veg and protein. I am craving brocoli and peas I just have to actually make it to the grocery store. Ugh!

Good News - Here is the thing, I don't think media should only present one side of the issue. I think it is essential for an informed citizenry to know about failing schools, predatory priests, civilian casualities in Iraq. However, I think there is a fine line between the reports we read and fear mongering. So I will cull what I see as the hidden bright spots from main media. (But I will avoid articles about improved test scores because I HATE standardized tests!)
*Today's good news: The George Jackson Academy in the East Village, NY. The New York Times article "A School Frees Low-Income Boys from the Pressures of the Streets" addresses the successes and potential weaknesses of a school devoted to the success of inner city boys. Maybe it's not perfect, all the boys are screened by IQ, but it's a great start for sure.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm already confused foray into 'web 2.0' has officially begun.
I thought the set-up was a little complicated. What is a display name and how is it different from a blog title versus a blog address? And what is the advanced set-up? I obviously bypassed that option. (and this is supposed to be as simple as it gets)
So here is the mission statement of my blog:
"To be an distinctive account of my personal journey into the realm of a new career (librarian) & technology (web 2.0); while documenting my particular attempts to live a life of faith, integrity, with social and civic responsibility (vegan who buys eco friendly fair trade). I will also endeavor to include positive reports on education, teenagers, and immigrants (since there is so much negative) and relay easy recipes for lunch"

Lunch - I love the vegan lunchbox and I actually love to prepare food but unfortunately don't have that type of time! So here is an easy one....cored apple with peanut butter (a must) spread in the center and a can of chickpeas (rinsed) and marinated in Bragg's liquid aminos.

Good News - The Washingtonpost education column (5/22/07) "Why AP and IB Schools Soar" highlights the successful efforts of Preuss school on UCSD's campus. "Preuss is the only school on the list where every single student is classified low-income, and yet it is also one of the few schools in which every graduating student has gotten at least one passing grade on one AP test." That has to be a good thing.