Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i'm waiting and it's shorter

Yup. I cut my hair. I had to do something - I'm single, ONE HUNDRED happy percent, for the first time in a while. Oh, yeah, I've been single before. I know, I know. But Art was always there. In my heart, filling my head, lifting my hopes. And now......I'm letting that go, getting rid of the safety net. What gave me the strength??? I want him to be happy. And that ain't with me.
Anyway.....I had to do something to mark the occassion. My pops teased me that I'll probably get a new email address (that is what I have done since I had my first hotmail address at 18) but not this time. This time I went for short and sassy. Still not quite as sassy as me - but it will do for now. Until the next boy.......but with any luck that won't be for a good long while.

Thursday I am hosting a vegan dinner (with scallops wrapped in bacon for the insistent carnivore male in the group). What I cook and eat will be vegan so that makes it a vegan dinner. teehee! Not quite sure what I'll be making, perhaps gnocci with spinach pesto.

Exercise. Well, I did run three times last week. All over 40 minutes. Haven't run yet this week. But will. I will! I love it so much - why don't I make it happen???? Ugh. I fully blame the state of Massachusetts. When I lived in DC I ran - regularly. The weather here is atrocious. I left for work at 6:50am (didn't get home until 8pm). I had planned on taking a lunch break and running at 1pm. The weather didn't have the common decency to hold off on raining until I had a chance to do so. The nerve! Oh...what's that you say.......what about the gym......that I belong to......and is one block away from work.....well.....hmmm.....let's see......

Still waiting on pins and needles for the results in Ohio and Texas.......

Sunday, March 2, 2008


So not to long ago I wrote about the pitiful recycling bin situation in Boston - especially within the T stations. Since then I have noticed several green top, sheet plastic bag receptacles for recycling the newspaper. Which is great to see. Granted - they are always empty when I see them, there is no public awareness campaign to push the recycling, and there are still tons of newspapers littering the train and platform. BUT....I've got to be honest - they are there.

On an unrelated note I think Harvard Sq. is the smelliest T stop of all the ones I've been to. ugh! I would love to do a review of all the T stops on a given line. Maybe during the summer.

I'm very excited to get to know more of Boston. I just signed up to be a volunteer tour guide for Boston by Foot. (more details to come after I start the 6 week training.) Starting in April I will be attending Saturday lectures about significant historical and architectural sites. The class runs from 10-3pm, I have to write 4 papers (3 to 5 pages), and I will have a final exam. Then I am off - I will be giving 6 tours between May and October. If you visit me up here in Boston I'll be able to give you a 12 dollar tour for free. If that (plus me) isn't incentive to visit I don't know what is!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Whatta week

Superficial updates:
- I have seen two newspaper recycling receptacles at T stops (Downtown Crossing and Haymarket). Woohoo. woohoo. My personal recycling bin was stolen and hasn't been returned. Those dirty rotten.....
- I have recently watched Michael Clayton and In Bruges and read Plainsong. Interesting....very very interesting. Michael Clayton was a suspenseful tale of corrupt greed and redemption. In Bruges was a slightly anti-American, racist, dry humor shoot em up. I never thought Colin Farrell was a good actor - now I can be convinced otherwise. And Plainsong was simple, slow, and quiet. I don't read a lot of fiction and this happened by accident . The writing was sparse and straight forward. It was subtle (I'm a big fan of alliteration). Worth reading but I can't say there were any big take aways.
- There is a new raw vegan restaurant in the North End of Boston - Grezzo. Whawhawhat???? Suprise suprise. It was a small space with an intensely personal atmosphere. It was pricey and hit or miss mostly because I am NO fan of raw food. BUT the gnocchi and dessert was GOOD and filled me for the evening. I really felt very energized afterward. But I refuse to go raw. You can't cook anything above 112 degrees. That is ridiculous (said the vegan who won't shop at Walmart, buy Nike, and strives to buy fair trade, organic, and local). We have to be reasonable - I mean....what about peanut butter cookies and pumpkin muffins? I need an oven! teehee.

More profound -
- My amazing coworker lost her father to cancer this past Monday. One of my former coworkers, a beautiful, kind, spirited 31 yr old new mother is losing her life to cancer. Death is incredibly sad and wrenching. And I have faith in something beyond this tragic moment. I can't imagine otherwise.
- I've been praying. Not down on my knees wailing and gnashing of teeth kind of stuff but a silent thread that permeates my day. On the bus I'll offer the "her" (see above) up in love for healing and peace. As I brush my teeth I'll be reminded to pray for those in Darfur, Iraq and Afghanistan who are experiencing devastating loss and violence. As I lie in bed I'll pray for those with addictions - to smoking, gambling, drinking, drugs, etc. I pray that God fills them with the love and courage to feel fullfilled on their own merits. It's been a blessing to be reinvigorated to turn to God.
- I've moved beyond the quiet desperation of wanting to get married and be with someone (most of you know who). Whether that happened or not I was comfortable. And safe. Now I am questioning what I want, where I'll be, and who God has chosen for me. Well....I guess it's not too late to be a nun...I think I'd be quite a looker in a habit.