Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i'm waiting and it's shorter

Yup. I cut my hair. I had to do something - I'm single, ONE HUNDRED happy percent, for the first time in a while. Oh, yeah, I've been single before. I know, I know. But Art was always there. In my heart, filling my head, lifting my hopes. And now......I'm letting that go, getting rid of the safety net. What gave me the strength??? I want him to be happy. And that ain't with me.
Anyway.....I had to do something to mark the occassion. My pops teased me that I'll probably get a new email address (that is what I have done since I had my first hotmail address at 18) but not this time. This time I went for short and sassy. Still not quite as sassy as me - but it will do for now. Until the next boy.......but with any luck that won't be for a good long while.

Thursday I am hosting a vegan dinner (with scallops wrapped in bacon for the insistent carnivore male in the group). What I cook and eat will be vegan so that makes it a vegan dinner. teehee! Not quite sure what I'll be making, perhaps gnocci with spinach pesto.

Exercise. Well, I did run three times last week. All over 40 minutes. Haven't run yet this week. But will. I will! I love it so much - why don't I make it happen???? Ugh. I fully blame the state of Massachusetts. When I lived in DC I ran - regularly. The weather here is atrocious. I left for work at 6:50am (didn't get home until 8pm). I had planned on taking a lunch break and running at 1pm. The weather didn't have the common decency to hold off on raining until I had a chance to do so. The nerve! Oh...what's that you say.......what about the gym......that I belong to......and is one block away from work.....well.....hmmm.....let's see......

Still waiting on pins and needles for the results in Ohio and Texas.......

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