Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Can anyone help me?

Technology - How can I add Library Thing to my blog? Anyone? I was reading this amazing blog by Kathleen de la Pena McCook - A Librarian at the Kitchen Table - and her blog has "random books from my library". I want that! I don't have a subscription to Library Thing, I haven't cataloged 200+ books. Any ideas?

Lunch - frozen vegetable potstickers, walnut/almond mix, grilled veggie kabobs from last night. A good mix of veg and protein. I am craving brocoli and peas I just have to actually make it to the grocery store. Ugh!

Good News - Here is the thing, I don't think media should only present one side of the issue. I think it is essential for an informed citizenry to know about failing schools, predatory priests, civilian casualities in Iraq. However, I think there is a fine line between the reports we read and fear mongering. So I will cull what I see as the hidden bright spots from main media. (But I will avoid articles about improved test scores because I HATE standardized tests!)
*Today's good news: The George Jackson Academy in the East Village, NY. The New York Times article "A School Frees Low-Income Boys from the Pressures of the Streets" addresses the successes and potential weaknesses of a school devoted to the success of inner city boys. Maybe it's not perfect, all the boys are screened by IQ, but it's a great start for sure.

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