Monday, September 24, 2007

Today was a bummer....kind of

BAD NEWS: Gotas de Flor com Amor has been an non-governmental organization (ONG in portuguese) for 15 years. They have several properties - but the first and primary property is where I work on Rua Vicente Leporace. It is a place where kids go when they aren´t at school, they offer "classes" in the morning and in the afternoon. Gota´s is committed to each child´s development as citizens of their community and the world. Kids get to go to museums, they went to the fazenda last Friday, they do school exchanges (Liceu Pasteur and Mobli), they take computer classes, dance classes, they read fairytales and create art work, they go to the library and basketaball court once a week, they have access to a psychologist and dentist. Older students work to make recycled paper (I helped one day). The work is amazing. Gotas makes sure the kids are fed - either breakfast and lunch or lunch and a snack. Gotas allows them exposure to cultural realities they would not otherwise be able to access. I benefit greatly and contribute very little from volunteering there. I work three to five hours a day, I process some books and play with kids. Really, up to now I have done nothing of any consequence. Today I went to Gotas in the afternoon - there was a meeting for the teachers in the morning. When I arrived the librarian Rose told me that Gotas was experiencing financial difficulties and the meeting that morning was to fire two professors, an office administrator, and the dentist. Instead of attending Gotas everyday kids will only be able to attend twice a week. These drastic measures are in order to avoid having to close completely. It is so sad. The librarian´s job is safe because her salary is paid for by a large corporation (C&A) and apparently Gotas receives significant assistance from Oracle. I would give anything for circumstances to be different - one of the teachers leaving is the one other adult (besides Rose) that I talk to. But circumstances aren´t different and so I will do my best to assist them in this incredibly difficult transition. I´ve never been more grateful that I am here instead of somewhere else (DC, Boston, NYC - who knows with me!)

Lemonade out of lemons: (not all was bad....some highlights today)
- I got my glasses fixed. (I stepped on them Sunday) I went to the mall and they are almost returned to their original state. My tia gave me the HARD sell to buy a new pair (mine are ugly, I need a backup, my grandmother will buy them for me). I was considering it until I remembered how ridiculous it would be to spend almost 200 dollars on something I don´t need. I have contacts and I only wear glasses at night. I work with some kids at Gotas that can´t afford one pair of glasses. Paulo - one of my favorites - is blind as a bat and everytime he breaks his coke bottle glasses he has to wait weeks for them to be fixed. It is so easy to fall into the consumerism trap - especially at the mall. But I resisted and am using my perfectly fantastic glasses at this very moment.
- I found rice milk today, with NO SUGAR added. I love rice milk. And I usually try to go one day a week sugar free but I haven´t been able to since I arrived in Brasil. (everything has sugar in Brasil- soy milk, bread, etc) Now it is a possibility, woohoo!
- I ran hard. I love running. And I had a great stretch class.
- I talked to Vanja on skype. Skype rocks. Why? #1) it is FREE #2) the connection is great #3) it is free! And Vanja is great. woohoo. If you don´t have it, get it, and we´ll chat
- We got mail today. I personally didn´t get any mail but my aunt did. Which means....the two packages I am waiting for can´t be far behind.....

1 comment:

Bethania said...

Oi Querida - Tudo bem? I bet you didn't know I was keeping up with you but I am - I think your blog is wonderful and I like keeping up with you even if from afar - Wish you were still in DC since I am off to DC on Sunday until Thursday - then to Kinshasa and Nairobi - I doubt your grandmother would approve if the streets od Sao Paulo freak her out -

Your blog also reminds me of Liana and her time in Ecuador - She experienced a lot of the same things you talk about with all her Ecuadorian family around (for the first time) telling her what to wear and how to act, etc - The differnce was that she was in school full time so she had a natural vehicle to make friends. She also returned quite fluent in Spanish which was rather afraid to speak before she left- SO I know you can do it with POrtuguese -

I have skype but don't know how to use it - will let you know if I figure it out!

Much love, beijos e abracos - sua otra tia, Bethania