Saturday, September 29, 2007

One month anniversary

Me and good ole Brasil have been "dating" now for about a month. I want to reflect on what I love and what I would do differently.

MY TRUE LOVE - Brasil!
#1. I love the way people honk as they drive through intersections. It is to warn people that they are running a stop sign or not yielding but it always feels like someone is saying hi.
#2. I love the fruits - they are so delicious.
#3. I love that my family is crazy but intensely devoted to eachother.
#4. I love getting hugs everyday.
#5. I love eating lunch with my grandmother. I love her complaints, worries, and obsession with forcing me to take food with me.
#6. I love that Brasilians almost always greet eachother and say goodbye, whether an old friend or stranger, often with a hug and kiss.
#7. I love how you can always do something for free before you committ. I have a free Pilates lesson on Monday morning. I worked out at my gym for one week, no cost, and was allowed to take all the classes - to see if I liked it. I am taking a free Samba Rock lesson on Thursday night. Woohoo.
#8. I love the ALONG (stretch) class that I take. I love that the instructor asks people what their name is if they are new and strives to remember it.
#9. I love that at the bank, grocery store, etc there is one cashier dedicated to the elderly and handicapped. Much of this country is not designed for those with impairments but I believe that Brasilians genuinely care about other people.
#10. I love that my aunt lovingly forces me to be independent and treats me like I´m smart. She refused to make my hair appointment, she encouraged me to walk everywhere, she´s sending me to a favela with a stranger to see if I want to teach English. I like that she expects a lot out of me because often I feel like people treat me like I am slightly dimwitted and slow, when really it is just that I can´t speak the language very well. It´s giving me a deep sense of humility and appreciation for what foreigners must go through in the States.

- I would take two or three weeks of language classes upon arrival. But hey - I´m going to start taking them now....
- I would stay at the bank when the ATM ripped me off and figure it out.
- I would flirt with the cousin´s friend and the cute storyteller.
And that is it! I wouldn´t even call them regrets, just lessons to learn from. It will be interesting to see what I love at the end of my time here.

p.s. I´m getting sick - boohoo! And I still haven´t received my packages. Que pena!

1 comment:

Elena said...

I got a postcard from you today! Thank you so much! Abel and I appreciated the very colorful painting and your words.