Saturday, October 6, 2007

Random images of daily life in Brasil

Here are some random images. The photo farthest to the left is one that I walk past everyday on my way to Gotas de Flor com Amor. I call it "poopy corner". Not very sophisticated but an apt description. The sidewalk runs along an apparently abandoned parking lot. My theory is that since there is no one to protest every dog owner in the neighborhood brings their pet here to do their business, without worrying about cleaning it up. The first few days I was walking I hadn´t quite gotten my bearings - I have a very poor sense of direction. I made the mistake of walking on that sidewalk more times then I like to remember. I´ve learned my lesson. The upper right photo is a public payphone. A large percentage of Brasilians have cell phones but as of yet the system of public payphones is still in place. I love their shape and color.
The photo below the payphone is of an avocado. Yummmy. There are a variety of avocados available here in Brasil. I like this one, because it´s huge - more to eat - and I think it has a natural sweetness that lends itself well to my avocado mash.
The photo to the far right is a stick. Yes. It also happens to be a bus stop marker. I have yet to take public transportation here in São Paulo. I walk, get a ride, or take a taxi. I´d like to but my family is very reluctant to allow me to. You might say ´well Melissa, you are a big girl (you´d never say old) - why don´t you just get on the bus?´ You see that stick. How does anyone know where they are going?
Starting Monday I´ll be taking Portuguese classes for the next four weeks. I´ve mentioned that I´ve taken intensive Portuguese classes - about 3 years ago for 2 1/2 weeks. I´m trying not to have any expectations because I´m always most pleased when I don´t have any preconceived notions (my time in DC, my roomies at 1830, my time here, etc). But I´d be lying if I didn´t admit that I´m really hoping my Portuguese improves and I´d like to make friends.
Right now that is what I miss the most. I miss going out, chatting over drinks, making fun of eachother, and commiserating over loves gained, endured, and lost. I wouldn´t change anything about my life - where I am, what I am doing. My only sadness stems from feeling like I am not making progress in moving on with my life romantically. If anything I am regressing. Friends or no I guess I have to just get over him. It is just so much easier when there is someone new! Whine, whine, pout, pout!

1 comment:

Mayna said...

Sweet thang! The only time "
Romance" comes along is when it is very inconvenient. Like you're really quite content, enjoying life as it is - Bingo! Someone (or ones) come along to knock everything cockeyed! Pearl of Wisdom. Mayna