Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Family filled post + odds n ends

I have 9 days until I leave Brasil. I am in no way excited about it - it is just a fact. So how am I spending my last few days? With familiy! I have made some cool friends here but I find myself just wanting to be with my grandma and cousins.

Saturday = The cousins and I went to Estação da Luz, a fantastic train station. Situated besides the train station is the super duper Museu da Lingua Portuguesa. And Saturday´s are free admission. Now....if you don´t speak Portuguese I´m not sure how much of the museum you will enjoy. There is currently a Gilberto Freyre exhibit - he was a FAMOUS and prolific Brasilian sociologist that looked at issues of race and class in society. The exhibit is incredibly artistic and creative but lacked a sense of context and continuity, for me at least. The lower levels had an informative timeline in the formation of Portuguese - throughout Europe, Brasil, and Africa. Additionally there was a 10 minute video and spoken word presentation. I´ve been remiss in partaking of the incredible cultural attractions here in São Paulo - I wouldn´t call it a regret just a lesson to learn from.
Sunday = Grandma turned 85. She insisted on a pizza party at Sta. Marcelina´s, isn´t she the coolest? I will never get used to the Brasilian custom of paying for the people who attend your birthday party. It is so odd to me. Anyway - the party was small, you know....just 16 of us - but tons of fun. I ordered the vegetarian pizza without cheese and I am happy to report that it was more popular then the Portuguesa - which comes with mozzarela, ham, eggs, etc. I actually liked Sta. Marcelina pizza better then fancy pancy Leona´s (though the price was about the same).
Monday = Lunch and nap at grandma´s. I finished wrapping all the christmas gifts she is giving to people. She is giving gifts to my aunt´s maid (my grandma is SO cool that she doesn´t have a maid - she does everything for herself), to the lady that does her manicure, to the maids kids (don´t ask me why), to the doormen, to every family member, etc, etc. Brasilians buy presents for everyone. I honestly feel like I have to buy presents for my pilates instructor, the nice staff at the gym where I work out, the taxi driver I always use, the list goes on. I don´t know that I will - but I feel compelled. Anyway, I spent the day with her and it rocked.

Some observations:

- Traffic here is truly horrible, like LA horrible, but there is much less road rage. I had noticed this in my many cab trips and it was reinforced today. I almost got run over by a car in the crosswalk and started swearing in English.....and the people around me were astounded by how angry I was.

- If one more person tells me how cold it is in Boston I will scream. I KNOW!!!! Boston is cold. Super cold. Colder then sticking my head in the freezer and leaving it there for an indeterminate amount of time. Got it. Here goes the power of positive thought...I love snow, I love the cold. (never mind the fact that at the museum I was shivering when the air conditioning was on). I will keep repeating this to myself.

- Between making brownies (endlessly) and banana bread (and awesome ppk recipe that I used coconut milk for) I am now considered a chef. The risotto nightmare has been forgotten, or at least forgiven.

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