Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bye-bye Bill - the other one

Looks like New Mexico governor Bill Richardson will be dropping out of contention for president.
I personally am bummed about it. I think he was/is the most accomplished and capable of all the contenders - and Hispanic to boot. woohooo!
I, unfortunately, don't get to vote in a primary or caucus - which almost makes me wish I lived in Iowa - but I can't say that I know who I would vote for if I did.
I did get back to the U.S. just in time to hear about Hillary crying and that Oprah had selected Barack for her book club....I mean president. With all respect to Edwards it loooks like the race is between two senators that didn't really impress me as senators. Looks like in November I'll be voting for a female Clinton who knows all about villages and Republican conspiracies or a pseudo-rockstar that gets all the single women swooning. I am not quite sure who I choose.
The pundits tell me Hillary pulls in the vote for those that make less then 50,000 (ME!) and Barack for those that are considered highly educated (ME! - if I say so myself). Left me kinda liking Bill (not to be confused with Clinton).
Whoever I end up voting for, I'm just glad we have a political process that requires GADS of cash, celebrity endorsements, and good hair.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Interesting, interesting. Doesn't always seem that our generation is having to pick the lesser of two stupids instead of a canidate that we actually agree with a majority of what they stand for, believe that they have the country's best interest in at heart, and believe that they can actually do what they say they can do. Hmmm... on the Dem side of the aisle we have socialist one and socialist two. On the Republican side of the aisle we don't have much better to choose from. What's a conservative who wants No-Child-Left-Behind abolished to do?

Oh - and CALL ME! I haven't talked to you since before I got engaged and I don't have a current telephone number or address for you . My 703 cell number is still working. CALL CALL CALL CALL!