Sunday, January 27, 2008

I love broccoli

They look like little trees. They are green. But can broccoli help prevent heart attacks? There was a study recently that suggests that broccoli can reduce the risk of heart attack. Personally, I can eat some steamed broccoli without any encouragement - but that sure would be cool, if it were true. What I like about Medical News Today is that they evaluate the claim by summarizing the study, the results, and the researchers interpretation and then give their own. MNT isn't quite sold on the claim BUT they say broccoli can't hurt.

Since I'm speaking of broccoli I should probably post a recipe. But....I don't have one. I just steam mine and eat it - straight up. Plus, I haven't worked out or cooked much since I got to Boston - hence the reason I feel like an obese buffalo. So instead I'll just point you to the broccoli bisque at Don't Get Mad, Get Vegan. I haven't made (yet) but I have faith that it is delicious!

Work is......well.....intense. I'm totally inspired by what they do but not quite sure if I'll fit into the office culture or get the hang of mentoring. They keep telling me they don't expect me to pick up the interview/mentoring techniques naturally or by intiution but evidence is to the contrary. I haven't cooked much, as stated above, but I did bake pumpkin muffins from Vegan with a Vengeance on Friday. I'm not sure if they were a hit or not but I liked them.

Alright. Off to find and go to mass (I missed 8am mass at St. Anthony's in Portuguese), do some grocery shopping, and watch Their Will be Blood. I got my syllabus yesterday for one of my classes, which starts next Saturday. AHHHHHHH!!!! Lots and lots and lots of reading. I'll be one busy lil bee.

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