Saturday, January 12, 2008


Ugh - what is this bleepin' blog about? I love talking about myself and all my inane ideas/opinions but I need a flippin' purpose. (bear with me, i'm lovin' abbreviatin' words) On Monday I will hopefully be getting a full time job (after two in-person interviews and two phone interviews I deserve it!!!). Additionally, classes start at the end of the month which will require me getting a stinkin' shuttle at 7:15am every Saturday morning -taking two classes- and getting back to Boston at 6:15pm (stupid Simmons doesn't offer the classes i want at the times i want on main campus, oh....and....i registered for classes late). So if I don't have a lot of time to waste writing LONG aimless posts what will I do?


- Food. Posting vegan recipes is a joke when so many others do it and do it 100x better then I could. I love to cook but I don't do it all that often and feel like a dork when I take pictures of food.

-Restaurants. Would love to just review vegan food at restaurants but once again my dislike (or is it just inability?) of food photography rules this out.

-Veganism. Could post links about veganism but I'm really just a fake vegan who eats honey and wears thrift store wool sweaters. I do think feeding ducks until they nearly explode so they get fatty livers is mean but I think genocide and rape in refuge camps is meaner. So....I'll leave awareness outreach to others.

So.....hmmm.....what do I care about? What am I good at? Possibilities:

*I am going to be a librarian one day (and on that day I'll be 30,000 dollars in debt) so posting resources and/or links actually really appeals to me. But to what????

*I love health related issues - like ways to prevent type 2 diabetes (healthy diet, exercise, and over 6 hours of sleep a night), pointing out that there may be some value to processed foods (processed tomatoes may have higher lycopene bioavailability), or letting people know that calcium can decrease severity of menstrual cramps. ** just remember that 1 cup cooked collard greens has more calcium then 1 cup nonfat milk (as compared by the USDA)**

*I love cultural events. One day I hope to love Boston. I'll combine the two and review/advertise local happenings.

*I worry about social justice and hope to be a part of the solution, not just a whiner. I can also push causes I deem worthy.

I think I'll do a combo of posting/pushing/informing "you" about the three.

Alright - new blog mission statement

"blah, blah, blah" (work in progress)

How to know what is what.....LABELS!

Editorial: a post labeled editorial will be my witty, ingenius, fantastic views on some issue

Review: a post labeled review will be my witty, ingenius, fantastic views on an event or product

Health: a post labeled health will be a link or reference (that my witty, ingenius, fantastic self has selected) to an issue pertaining to diet or exercise

Plug: a post labeled plug will be my witty, ingenius, fantastic way of trying to advertise a worthwhile cause, event, or pressing issue

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