Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Darfur - take action!

I wonder if you have heard about Darfur. On one hand I truly hope so - it is a geographic region of Sudan with a 'situation' that the president of the United States has declared a genocide. On the other hand - I hope not. If you haven't heard about Darfur maybe that can explain why it has been ongoing since 2002/3 and TWO years after stating that the killings in Darfur are genocide people continue to die. Whether you have, or haven't, or somewhere in between, now is the time to really pay attention. The Sudanese government (who harbored Osama Bin Laden) is very resistant to any 'foreign' involvement and their position is basically supported by China and Russia. However, the Sudanese government has more then proven they have no interest in truly resolving the problems (death, rape, forced removal) in Darfur.

Please take action. The U.N. just authorized a joint peacekeeping force (African Union + United Nations), which is great. But they've done that before (August 2006) with little resulting action. Please, please, please contact your Senator or the President and petition the secretary-general of the U.N. to follow through. It has never been easier to make your voice heard (it took me less then a minute to call the White House Comment line). And don't despair, if you've read the Tipping Point then you know that enough small action can cause tremendous change.

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