Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jury duty, camping, and ultimate frisbee

What could jury duty, camping, and ultimate frisbee have in common? Well, those are the factors that have kept me from snapping pictures and putting up posts.
I fulfilled my civic duty yesterday and reported for jury duty. No one ever wants to serve but I have to say I was shocked and disappointed by the number of people that actively complained about being there and brainstormed stories to wriggle out of it. But after reading this article in the Boston Globe I should be giving credit to all those that showed up. Hey, I may have been reluctant to miss out on the last two weeks of work but like the judge said it's a fair example of "quid pro quo"- we serve today in the hopes that if we or a loved one ever needs the service of a jury there will be citizens willing to act as impartial and fair jurors. I wasn't selected but I have a renewed conviction in the importance of the process.
I went camping in Belleplain State Park in NJ. We were there to watch and cheer on my roommates ultimate frisbee team at the Wildwood beach tournament. I'm not a big fan of beaches (I burn easily) and I've only been camping once (I don't like bugs, rodents, peeing in a hole, or sleeping on the ground) BUT I had a blast. We had quite the spread and I wish I would have taken pictures. Alas, that was not to be - I left the batteries charging at home. I did make some fun kettle corn based on a recipe I found on veg.com. I highly recommend it. I'm making some for my going away party this weekend so I'll make sure to take a picture.

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