Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Be a Mentor

Technology: Can I create folders for my blogroll?

Lunch: I think I am going to revamp this section. Being a vegan is a huge part of my life (even though it is usually a bigger deal for other people then it is for me). But my lunches are way boring as of late. Instead I may start reviewing vegan foods, products, eateries, etc. My first huge recommendation is for travel in the Big Apple. I love LifeThyme. What a yummy grocery store and it has the best vegan and raw food bakery ever. I hate raw food but I love that bakery. This weekend I had strawberry shortcake which was fantastic. I adore the almond cookies. So much better then some other bakery I won't mention.

Good News: Okay. This is a little self serving. This article is about the power of Mentors, specifically an organization called Mentors, Inc. I have a great protege but she was already well on her way to greatness. My relationship was more about friendship and fun. So being a mentor can really span quite a range of needs. Think about it - it is a good thing!

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