Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Human apathy worse then computer failures

Technology: The internet at my house isn't working. So I can't upload more photos to my photobucket account - which I am using instead of Flickr because I don't want a Yahoo account. But really - lets talk about technology....I never made it to my high school reunion (probably a blessing in disguise) because of the massive computer glitch that the airlines tried to pass off as weather related. But that will happen, technology is infallible as we all are. I think the real breakdown was the incredibly crappy service I received from US Airways.

Lunch: Boring - just another hummus sandwhich. I did *artfully* (if I say so myself) photograph the necessary ingredients but unfortunately I cannot upload it from my camera because internet at home isn't working and I don't have the authority to do so on my computer at work. I stopped by Java Green last Thursday and ate some Pumpkin Spice Cake made by Sweet - n - Natural (so much better then Sticky Fingers - but they don't have a website). They can be reached at 301-805-0007. So good - can't wait to eat some again!

Good News: What I am realizing about the "good news" stories that I find is that sometimes it is just a glimmer of hope admist the larger context of continuing struggle and adversity. For example, many immigrants fail to graduate from high school and it is becoming less and less likely with mandatory high stakes testing tied to diplomas. But there are those that perservere despite odds and that is the good news. Deibis Hernadez became the first one in his family to graduate from high school, despite a spotty primary education, language barriers, and the need to work. I just hope that we - as a society - can acknowledge that it takes some people 10X the effort that we put forth to become half as successful.

1 comment:

usa kingy said...

i agree - sweet-n-natural cakes absolutely rock! sticky fingers could learn a thing or two from them.

the are AMAZING!